
Lolo Jones: Publicly Religious?

Lolo Jones hangs her medals on a silver deer’s head hanging in her kitchen. There are two gold medals, both from the World Indoor Championships (one from 2008 and the other from 2010); and one silver from the World Athletics Final in 2008. When asked if she would hang an Olympic medal with the others; her reply was “I don't know, it'd probably have, you know, have lights and a little shrine, and a bodyguard standing next to it.” 
However, most interestingly, Lolo is gaining support—and opposition—for her very public choice to remain a virgin until after marriage.  She said in an interview with Real Sports:[1]
"It's just something, a gift that I want to give to my husband. But please understand this journey has been hard. If there's virgins [sic] out there, I just want to let them know, it's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. Harder than training for the Olympics, harder than graduating from college, has been to stay a virgin before marriage [sic]."
 While some have lauded her for this difficult choice, many have decided to barrage her with hate mail.  One particularly scathing article came from the New York Times, saying that
Essentially, Jones has decided she will be whatever anyone wants her to be — vixen, virgin, victim — to draw attention to herself and the many products she endorses.”[2]
While the point the author, Jeré Longman, is trying to make is that Jones “has played into the persistent, demeaning notion that women are worthy as athletes only if they have sex appeal” he demeans her himself.  For some reason, making her personal choice to abstain a public choice relegates her to the ranks of those who use their sexuality as a marketing ploy. She may be using her choice as a marketing ploy, or it may be Lolo merely showing herself to the world.  In other words, she may be choosing to exploit people’s reaction to her choice, or she may be publicizing it in order to encourage other girls who are waiting until after marriage.  However, Longman’s logic is flawed: publicizing her virginity and her choice to retain it does not make her the sum of her sexual appeal. She knows how hard it is, and she should be considered courageous for remaining a virgin, not self-promoting or attention-seeking. She said on her Twitter account, “Yes I'm a virgin. #1 reason why I'm single bc guys deuce out when I won't put out. I do so to honor God & future husband”[3]  She has also admitted that she has no problem getting dates; the problem is finding guys who want to wait until after marriage with her.
Lolo Jones is an inspiration to those of us that are dedicated to something, whether it be something as arduous as racing as an Olympic athlete, as time-consuming as writing that novel that’s been dancing around in your head, as challenging as knitting a complex lace shawl, or as simple—yes, simple—as saving your sexuality for your future spouse.  We all do difficult things in our lives, and we all strive for something. Our goals are all different, and we all walk down different paths. However, we all stick to the things we believe in and work toward the things we want.  Lolo has publicly vowed to remain a virgin.  She is publicly religious.  Both of these things are incredibly difficult in today’s society.  She has made it to the Olympics twice.  Despite her lack of Olympic medals as of yet, she is not disappointed: she will never pray for God to give her a gold medal, instead praying “May His will be done.”[4] So, whatever it is that each of us works towards in our life, we can take her words to heart when she says:  “I have been defeated in races but I've never been defeated in life. fight. work. push. pray.hustle [sic] and DONT EVER GIVE UP.”[5]

Elizabeth Lewis: "I started writing when I was nine. I wrote and self-published a novel in 2009 called Spellbound. I'm a Girl Scout Gold Award and Congressional Gold Award recipient. I am currently a freshman enrolled at California State University, Bakersfield. My favorite books are The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta, and the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. I am a proud Catholic. I want every young girl to accept herself, because I believe that society should not dictate what is beautiful."

[1] Gumbel, Bryant. Real Sports #182 — Lolo Jones – Until Marriage. May 2012.
[2] Longman, Jeré. "For Lolo Jones, Everything is Image" New York Times 4 August 2012: SP1. Print
[3] Jones, Lolo (lolojones). http://twitter.com/lolojones/status/184348822389002241 26 Mar 2012, 10:39 AM. Tweet.
[4]Jones, Lolo (lolojones).  http://twitter.com/lolojones/status/227091938522832896 22Jul 2012, 10:25 am. Tweet.
[5] Jones, Lolo (lolojones). http://twitter.com/lolojones/status/204721970191925250 21 May 2012, 4:54 PM. Tweet.


"You Don't Know You're Beautiful?" By Amanda Vernon

Have you heard that new song by “One Direction?”  I like to belt it out when I’m washing dishes, driving the car, playing with our kids...you get the picture.  It’s catchy!  The lyrics make a great pop song; however, I am not sure they are completely true:
“You don’t know,
Oh, oh
You don’t know you’re beautiful!
Oh, oh, oh,
That’s what makes you beautiful!”
The ignorance of her beauty makes her beautiful?  I guess my feelings about “beauty” are deepening lately, thanks to my first-born daughter, Chiara.  Her name is Italian (pronounced Kiara) for “light.”  She certainly brings rays of sunshine into our life.  When I cradle her in my arms and watch her gently fall asleep, I am convinced true beauty originates somewhere powerful and mysterious.  I hope Chiara learns to celebrate her gift of beauty every day.    
Every woman is beautiful.  Woman is the crown of creation, the finishing touch from the Designer of the Universe.  One of my favorite authors, Christopher West, talks about how some people have a particular gift of beauty.  Chiara is in that category.  Yes, as her mother, I am biased.  But either way, she is entrusted with beauty simply by being a little woman.  “Beauty is an invitation to savor life and dream of the future,” said Blessed John Paul II in his Letter to Artists.  Chiara, and every woman, has a unique capacity to offer this invitation to the world.  What a glorious mission, if we choose to accept it.
When a woman does not recognize her beauty as a gift from God, she often falls for one of two extremes lies: 
1. “I am not beautiful.”  This leads to insecurity (like the girl in the One Direction song).
2. “My beauty is my own, to do with as I wish.”  Cue arrogance and manipulation.
My natural tendency is to fall for the second lie.  It is not a pretty fall, let me tell you.  Standing in the truth is an ongoing challenge.  I am fighting this battle now not only for myself, but also for my daughter.  I know Chiara will need help to stand up against these lies, too.  Thankfully, the virtue of modesty is a huge aid in rightly acknowledging the gift of feminine beauty.
I grew up attending religious events where I heard about helping the boys not to lust by dressing modestly.  I was unenthused.  I wanted boys to notice me, after all!  Finally, one youth leader pointed out that women tend to think holistically, while men tend to think about parts.  If my clothing drew lots of attention to certain “parts,” it would basically cry out to the guys around me, “Look here, I’m a part!”  That seemed to counteract my wish to be noticed.  I wanted guys to see me as beautiful, not just a collection of fascinating body parts.  I learned that modesty affirms my entire femininity (heart, mind, and body), and that it can lead those around me to do the same.  
With this newfound revelation, at age fifteen, I started praying daily for the virtue of modesty.  A few years later, I went to Missouri to sing and speak at a Pure Fashion Show for young girls.  After my performance, one of the fathers told me this definition of modesty,  “Knowing what to share and what to keep hidden.”  Although I have fallen short many times, this virtue constantly challenges me to stand with dignity.  It guides my decisions about how to dress, and how to interact with other people.  I look forward to sharing this journey of discovery with my daughter, when the time is right.
For now, a major highlight of having a baby girl is wearing matching outfits.  Some day, she will probably want to stop matching with me.  When that day comes, we will simply have to coordinate colors.  You know, match with style.  (I’m joking, mostly.)  But seriously, by the time Chiara learns to take care of her own appearance, I hope she knows her beauty is a gift from God.  Today’s catchy pop tunes might be long gone by then.  However, these words will never go out of fashion:
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior...
the Almighty has done great things for me.
Holy is his name.” -Luke 1:46-47, 49
Acknowledging the gift of God within herself, while giving all the accolades back to the Giver, the young virgin from Nazareth set the world on fire.  I hope my daughter confidently sings that song throughout her life.  I hope Chiara, our little ray of light, never stops shining.  I hope she knows she’s beautiful.    

Amanda Vernon is a 25-year-old recording artist from Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Through a genre she calls, “soulful pop,” this singer, pianist, and composer speaks to authentic beauty through story and song.  She has performed across the United States and in six foreign countries, including the 2008 and 2011 World Youth Days in Sydney, Australia and Madrid, Spain.  She is currently working on her 5th full-length album, entitled, “Interior Gaze.”  Her most cherished blessings are her husband David, their two children (a son and daughter, both under the age of two), and her Catholic faith in Jesus Christ.
Learn more about Amanda’s music and message by visiting her website, www.amandavernon.com