
Let's Meet: Tony Arza of Mountain Moving Ministries

Let's Meet: Tony Arza of Mountain Moving Ministries

Describe Tony in 5 words: Sarcastic, passionate, loud, poetic, reflective

What inspired you to start Mountain Moving Ministries?
I was inspired to start Mountain Moving Ministries when I was 15 years old. I had just come to a relationship with Christ and knew that I wanted to share this new found love. That was when I decided to be a missionary and be committed to go anywhere people ask me in order to share the message of Christ and the Church. Mountain Moving Ministry reflects my own faith journey in a way as it is continually molding to whatever it is God is calling me to focus on at that time. 

If you could tell all women one thing, What would it be? I think it would be that they are loved. So often in faith we can get boggled down in all the technical things. We think of our journey toward Jesus as avoiding sin and being a "good" person. But the reality is we are all broken and we all need this Divine Lover. Knowing that you are loved as a woman is so important, I believe every girl wants this, to know that she is worth being loved. And many times, that question goes unanswered by their fathers and so they seek other men to tell them that they are worth loving. Maybe the men in your life made you feel like you had to meet certain expectations or that you were only good enough if you did certain things or didn't do certain things. The reality is, we are all broken, every single girl on this planet is broken she is imperfect, and the world wants us to refuse to accept this, the world and at times ill advise people of faith tell us we have to be perfect. We have so many voices which say you will only be loved "IF" or you are only worth loving "WHEN". This causes each of us to develop a feeling of deep insecurity and a fear that if people knew we weren't perfect we wouldn't be loved but you are. In fact, not only will you be loved you are loved. That is why this message that you are loved is so vital for women today because it answers the longing they have for acceptance and counteracts their fear of rejection. If women today hope to live a life of peace and joy they must accept this love, and ultimately they must accept themselves. Life is full of much heart ache and this is not the solution to every problem but this self-acceptance and acceptance of God's Love promises a haven of security and a garden of intimacy. The journey toward a life of value and a life of love is through this road of Acceptance.  Maybe you are someone who strives to live a faithful life as a Christian and you very rarely fall into sin, and you say many prayers each day do all the "right" things. This is wonderful but if on the day you fail and you sin and you don't pray because you got busy do you still have peace. Are you still secure in the love of God. Because we can't make "God's love" like the "worlds love" and think we can earn it. Or that God has a standard by which he judges those who are more worth His love and those who aren't  No, He doesn't, He loves you always at every moment and in order to accept His love and the love of anyone else in our lives we must accept ourselves. As women, you must love yourself not based on any "thing" not on something tangible or external it must be a total acceptance of all your faults and sins because Jesus accepts us with our Sins and thus we must learn to accept ourselves. This path to self acceptance is immensely difficult. Yet, I think it is so quickly overlooked and that's why I think it is the one thing I want all women to know, because their journey toward lives of love and happiness all begins within their very hearts .Some times the hardest person to love and accept is ourselves, but only in doing this will we allow the love of Jesus to flow into our lives. 

Something I found that your always closing and opening up conversations is "Jesus Loves You." How do you find people's reactions to this? Haha. This is a great question cause I get many different responses to this. I usually get an awkward stare at first because most people don't really know how to respond. Some say thank you others say you too and on a few occasions I get "I don't believe in Jesus". I always try to be loving and in my love for the people who say they don't believe I just all the more emphatically say "it's ok, well... he still loves you." Sometimes I get people who say at my school you don't need to tell Christians that we all already know he loves us. But my response to them is this- if we really knew that Jesus loves us we would have changed the world a long time ago. Just turn on the television and you will see that clearly we as Christians have not allowed the depth of this reality to totally consume our hearts, because if we did we wouldn't have to worry about trying to convert people, they would be converted by the joy and peace comes from a true knowledge and acceptance of the love of Jesus.

What is your favorite way to unwind from a busy week? I love to sit in my room and play guitar. I personally love to write songs, I've even recorded some of the stuff I've written. Nothing brings me more peace than allowing my heart to be put into words and allowing those words to meet the emotional nature of whichever chords I'm playing. Singing to Jesus or about the sufferings of this life is a great way to learn to embrace the reality of hardship in this world and unite it to Christ on the Cross.

What can we soon expect from Tony Arza and Mountain Moving Ministries? 
Soon you can expect a new series of podcast and God willing a reboot of the website-tonyarza.com.  We will most definitely keep speaking wherever the ask us to and be sure to Share the healing message of the Gospel with everyone we encounter. But at the end of the day I really don't know what is in store for me and my ministry because really my life and my ministry belongs to Jesus. It will be around for as long as he wills it and when he doesn't it too will fade away. For I only started this ministry for Jesus and to do His will and as he reveals more and more to me I will be sure to respond no matter what the cost.  

 Tony Arza is a 22 year old college student who currently is attending Franciscan University. He had a conversion very early on in His life, and at the age of 15 he started Mountain Moving Ministries. Tony has traveled to several continents including Africa, Australia and Europe. After doing mission work overseas he develop a tremendous love for mission work here in the United States of America and decided to focus his ministry closer to home. He now speaks at Church retreats around the country. He looks forward to doing much more as time goes on including a more technologically  friendly ministry helping him achieve his goal to reach as many people as possible.

*Thank you for stopping by The You Are Loved Campaign, Tony! We look forward to seeing great things come from your ministry.*

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